Trying out something new to get the Network Plus study material done from Testout. Going to study from 4 to 5 pm everyday!

Today got innturruped a bit but it was actually really good to study. I was also able take some notes. I probably didnt get as much video watching done as I would have liked but it felt really good to have the time set asde.

I am looking forward to this and hope to get alot done.

I then went to run on treadmill and watched 40 mins of coursera course on TCP/IP.

While I got a bit lost in the more techincal bits of the video, it was a great way to get a bit of study in. Next time I am going to use a iPad, as my phone was really small was hard to see what was being shown.

I know know that I will need to go back to the video and take notes. I have a plan to write each step out of DHCP, IP Gateway/Router configuration and theen IP routing tables.

If I can just write it out and see it visually what the steps are I think I will be able to subnet really easily. That is basically my fear right now, and once I can do it I will feal much better for Network+ exam. Otherwise I will need to make Anki flashcards as well.