I normally write about the big goals I have but some smaller goals are:

  • Learn how to do pull ups.
  • Read more about stoic philosophy in my new book.
  • Bike out to Parker and go to Fidd ka.
  • Start seeds.
  • Sign up for marathons next year.
  • Go see a Starship launch
  • Try and do more boot.dev and Head First Go book.
  • Attend more open air events this summer.
  • Learn how to play golf, tennis, pickle ball.
  • Visit more CO cities.
  • Buy land… or at least find out what small plots are available.
  • Run up the mountain more… and basically run 4 times a week.
  • Do more yoga or other workout classes.
  • Do more creative writing class.
  • Learn how to do pottery.
  • Be outside more.
  • Plant things.

Otherwise I really really really like summer. Basically, I want to live part time in city and mountains.

Also in Boot.dev, I am using the AI more so I at least enjoy learning how to code and not get so frustrated.

I am liking my Go book to learn from… Makes me at least feel like I am working and progressing though a book even thought I might be learning as much as just doing it by my self.