While taking my online course SQL for Data Science on Coursera, I really under estimated that the exams would be quite long with alot of queries. It was pretty painful to get my head thinking about how to write them and I was getting pretty impatient.
However, writing these queries is getting me excited when I eventually learn how to write in Go and be able to connect my app with the database.
Another thing I cant wait to do is to learn how to write HTMX.Eventually i want to write Go and HTMX and SQLite for all the things.
Finally, when I sat down to finally study SQL, I went down a rabbit hole and watched videos from the Primagine and wanted to re-learn how to draw ASCII art with a tool called Boxes.
| "Pursue making how you feel |
| align with reality |
| as opposed to |
| letting reality |
| be aligned to how you feel." |
| -ThePrimeagen |
I knew I had installed a application called Boxes that would draw out artwork for text, but I didnt know how to put it in Neovim. So I Googled around and eventually stumbled accross instructions wich were complete, but not workable if you already had text in a file. I finally figured it out after re-reading and thinking a bit outside the box:
- Install the app Boxes on your Linux computer
- Open vim or neovim
- write out your text or quote.
- Hit
- Go into command mode and write the line number, example is line 12 where the quote starts:
12!boxes -d stone
or if you have multiple lines, visually select withv
and then:!boxes -d stone
- press enter to get it to print the box out.
So even though I didnt work much on SQL homework… I learned a bit more about Vim and way that can make my markdown notes spark job a bit more.