This has been a busy week of work, so on Friday I went out of my way to go to the pool and swim just a bit, and on Saturday I went again with the goal of going really far.

Back in 2018 did a challenge with my triathlon club to do either 10k or 5k distance swim at the end of the new year. After completing the 5k challenge in the cold DAC pool, I really felt accomplished.

Just like doing long distance run challenges over multiple days, I thought the epic goal of a long swim would be great for a change and a way to end the year. So on Saturday, I started the swim with the goal of just 3k, then I upped it to 4k, and then to 5k. It was not easy, but going slowly was a good idea. After almost 2 hours of swimming I hit the 5k.

Things i learned. Always good to use the bathroom. Just take breaks and do it so you can feel refreshed and ready to do another 2k. Another thing I learned is just take the risk and try and do it. Its such a shame if you don’t try and me just going slow was exactly what I needed to get it down. Finally, i didn’t expect to see it, but it was snowing hard, and the cool down I did at the end on my back looking up to the sky. I can only say that seeing the snowflakes into infinity was really cool. It looked like stars in the sky. Any having playing the game Starfield, it really was a starfield of flakes.

So just go for it. Whether the goal is big or small, if you have energy and interest, go for your goals.