The timezone changed with fall back and its getting dark. I dont know if I am really ready for winter. I did probably the last warm long run here till next spring. This run was hard, I went really snowly, running though the golf course and up the pass a bit. The cold weather helped and my having hyderation with mix made me feel great. I also cant wait for working on some projects next year....
Questions and study
In a meeting today I apologised for the emails asking for more clarification and asking questions. I was told it was better to ask questions than not. I am in the deep end of networking study for the CCNA and I just bought a book that I have no idea about, cybersecurity. But I am going to ask the questions anyway and power though the awkward parts of learning.
Rocks and trains
It seems like Colorado’s history of trains is also about the geology and rocks of Colorado. The mountains are so tall, the valleys are so narrow, and the rocks are so hard. Its hard to fathom just how much effort it was moving all the rocks Even modern earth moving methods, are just shinny and newer versions of what dynamite, pick axes and leveraging steel accomplished. Still the same from the past are the large amounts of money and energy these massive undertakings needed to focused....
Ready made
Love whole foods. So when I end up in a whole foods, I buy a bunch of random, non food stuff. But often what I get and most look forard to, are ready made items near the bakery, salad bar and pre-made entrees and sides. I sometimes open my Mad Fit app and look up meals for inspiration. I then think of entrees I have not had, like spicy madras curry, and get those spacial treat meals that differ than what I normally eat....
Snow on peaks
As I look across reservoir “lake” Dillon, I see above treeline snow. Its both great to see but ominous to know that winter is coming. Very relieved to have a plan on the video game as well. However I will have to increase the project cost and scope with the crowdfunding campaign. So with excitement of front page Vail Daily articles about western slope passenger rail lines, and how the video game will help those dreams, I know it will be a long winter and spring is far off....