Sitting on the poach and listening to Danish Radio’s classical music channel. I am thinking about white clouds in the sky and how the sun is setting and that I have not just looked up into the sky watched clouds move. I am really glad I purchased while in Heathrow the book on “The Daily Stoic” which has 365 lessons. I read alot of it on the plane and also coded alot of go on the plane and talked to someone who was a volunteer wild land firefighter.

In thinking about daily habits, I think one should follow the ones that bring joy. Some of those for me are:

  1. Writing blog posts as frequently as I can.
  2. Posting to Github things I learn.
  3. Sharing my thoughts and gut feelings.
  4. Going for a swim, bike or run.

A friend texted me this morning a podcast about “How exercise can make us happier.” I texted back that this hits deep. I am so glad this friend texted me though as I think we share alot of similar thoughts. However today I was tired and after planning on going for a run I am glad I skipped and decided to sit out on the patio in the cool weather and watch clouds and write this while listening to Danish.