I have enjoyed using my old laptop with Fedora and using i3 as my window manager.

I definitely forgot a lot but having the computer really do only so much helps me focus more so I don’t get distracted.

Also the battery lasts longer as I just have Firefox and my terminal open.

In Firefox I have added the extension called Vimium so I can navigate faster witout using the mouse.

So really, I am using i3 window manager, Vimium in Firefox, Tmux in Terminal and finally normal Vim motions in NeoVim.

I think I can finally call my self a nerd.

Funny enough this is all just to take notes in TestOut for Network Plus, so my Markdown files are uploaded to my Github “Network Pro” repo.

This is really getting me more comfortable with tooling of the terminal and learning how I can be most efficient with multiple files open in NeoVim.

While hard, it makes me focus more so hopefully I can pass the Network+ exam some time in the future. :-)