Well I am back from vacation and totally didnt work on anything via a computer but rather tried to be in the moment and take things in. Some goals for next couple weeks:

  • Perhaps sign up for a instructor run Network+ course…
  • Do the UX/UI of the game.
  • Do more online stuff like make a merch store for the game.
  • I am looking forward to a straw bale workshop that I signed up for, but need to make a youtube channel and make some videos to then start up Coorie Home again.

While I was on vacation experience and research:

  • Did research on trains across countries.
  • Talked to people about my goals and got some good ideas.
  • Realized just how nice it is to live in Scandinavia, and how old houses were built with natural materials.

So on a whole, while I did not do alot of computer stuff, I definitely thought alot about goals for the summer and the future, but need to make a YouTube channel and make some videos to then start up Coorie Home again.