It seems like Colorado’s history of trains is also about the geology and rocks of Colorado.

The mountains are so tall, the valleys are so narrow, and the rocks are so hard.

Its hard to fathom just how much effort it was moving all the rocks

Even modern earth moving methods, are just shinny and newer versions of what dynamite, pick axes and leveraging steel accomplished.

Still the same from the past are the large amounts of money and energy these massive undertakings needed to focused.

Driving though the mountains is still not completely easy nor safe. Its hard to imagine how it was before and those routes are now hard to make out with the unaided eye.

Weather and human development erases those past monuments and efforts.

Its important to record and explore the history for a wider audience these interesting stories. Colorado is now needing more efficient and more sustainable transportation solutions. Perhaps the railroads, reimagined for a modern era, hold the key to a brighter future for our state.