In writing this blog, I cant stop thinking about all the past jobs and personal study and sacrifice it took to get here. I see my Github history and I can see the first commits were Oct 31, 2011. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was in a bootcamp trying to will myself to learn.

I think the main lesson is that its taken me 12 years to get where I am now. I never formally studied code, and have spent a small fortune on TeamTreehouse, Corsera, EdX and other platforms like to level up my skills. Basically it got me to do freelance work with WordPress, move over to CRMS’s, get a support job, and then become a IT Analyst.

I am still proud of customizing a template from Teamtreehouse and then releasing my own Android app Dec 5, 2014

I was listening to a podcast and in the discussion I learned that its not the goal that you should be excited about, but rather the journey there. So my journey for over 10 years has been trying to learn code. Maybe one day I will get there, but I think that the journey there will be the destination.