So I am really happy that there are so many sustainable construction companies in Colorado. For the summer, I am taking part in a 7 day construction workshop and then later in the summer a 3 day plaster workshop.

What I want to get out of this is threefold:

  1. Learn more trades
  2. Meet more people
  3. Increase awairness of sustainable construction.

I do still wish I had my own property and my own house to practice these techniques. But for each of the three reasons above I have many other sub reasons that motovat me to keep learning, signing up and pushing myself to get out and do these.

I keep on thinking about how I wish more houses were built with sustainable methods like straw bales, earth blocks and earthen floors.

I have had the goal to learn more about sustainable construction techniques for over 10 years. Only recently have I also learned aoubt organic pools which are basically pools that do not use chemicals but rather air bubles and plants.

Some day I hope to have a sustainable house and organic pool.